Chef Mel’s Lingo Designer Apron – Get your pan swearword hot…
Grey Food is not sexy. Step away from the pan. Get your pan swear word hot. Don’t stir too much. Manage the sizzle in your pan.
Chef Mel Culinary Lingo
Designer Apron: Get your pan swearword hot!
Grey Food is not sexy. Step away from the pan. Manage the heat in your pan.
Do you have a compulsive stirrer in the house, someone who just won't stop stirring, and who ruins all your dishes?
One of Mel's hilarious bits of advice that will correct all your current cooking mishaps. If you are throwing grey liquid off your mince or your chicken or your stir fries then this advice is for you!
Grey Food is not sexy. Step away from the pan. Get your pan swear word hot. Don't stir too much. Manage the sizzle in your pan.
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