Cheats Chicken Satay with glam nut bling
- 500-800g chicken breast or thigh chunks
- 1 jar yellow curry paste
- 1 small tin of coconut cream or a large tin if you like more
liquid - 1 large tablespoon peanut butter
- 1-2 Asian Lime Leaves shredded
- Large pinch dried chilli flakes
- 2 tablespoons fish sauce
- 1-2 raw or palm sugar to balance the flavours
Glam Nut Bling - 2 tablespoons chopped roasted peanuts
- 2 tablespoons fried crispy onions (from the Asian or spice aisle)
- 2 tablespoons freshly chopped coriander
- Large pinch dried chilli flakes
- 1 Asian Lime leaf, finely diced or shredded
Spray or grease a large pot or pan with a little canola or peanut oil.
Now add the curry paste and stir over a low heat until fragrant. Add the chicken, stir to coat
but take care not to stir too much at first, you can stop stirring when the pan goes quiet and
cold. Turn the heat up if you need to, I really want you to brown this up as that is how we
will get maximum flavour out of this dish. When brown on at least most of the chicken, add
the remaining ingredients. Season to taste using the fish sauce. Lower the heat and cook
through. Serve with the glam nut bling. - View on Instagram
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